Global Labour University

The flagship publication returns

GLU Working Paper series has made a comeback after an extended hiatus. 

The series started back in 2008, and has served as a platform for GLU members and associates of the network, as well as GLU alumni, to publish stimulating research on issues around globalisation and labour.

The first Working Paper in 2024  was “Workers in Informal Employment Organising and Acting Collectively: The Role of Trade Unions “, by GLU alumni Edlira Xhafa and Melisa Serrano. The paper tackles the expansion of informal employment that has increased exploitation and decent work deficits, leading to widespread poverty and growing inequalities

This publication was followed by “Labour Perspectives on China”, also from June 2024, which is a complication of various articles published on the Global Labour Column website. It addresses  the question of labour in a world of re-emerging geopolitics and analyzing China´s role in it.

The latest one “Informal work and how to measure it: a formal consensus at the 100th International Conference of Labour Statisticians”  takes a look at recommendations and guidelines pertaining to informality that have been adopted by the International Labour Organisation, and stresses the need to revise them.

There are several other Working Papers that are expected to be published in the following weeks. Stay tuned via our channels to access these publications. For any questions, you can contact Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer:

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