Global Labour University

International Master's for Trade Unionists

The GLU Master's programs are a unique opportunity for trade unionists and other labour rights activists to work and study in an international environment and provide opportunities for trade unions to further qualify their staff or recruit new experts.

After launching the first course in Germany in 2004 the MA program is now also offered in South Africa, Brazil, India and, since 2014, in the USA. The global network provides an innovative framework for research and policy development in a truly multicultural, multiregional and multidisciplinary environment.

Students from different countries and regions are represented in the courses. Global workshops, conferences, publications and internet working groups facilitate genuine global dialogue and sustainable international networks. An active alumni network helps to strengthen cooperation and alliances between trade unions and other social movements across borders.

Below you can find all campuses that offer Master's courses.

Master´s courses


Moreblessing Nyambara

The two GLU programs I enrolled in gave me a unique perspective and understanding of Labour rights and policies. This perspective is a gift! I have embraced that the networks I have developed over the years are making a difference every day in someone's life no matter how big or small...

Moreblessing Nyambara,
Alumni from Zimbabwe
Chris Schwartz

It was a great moment to connect with people, to better understand labour and social justice issues on a global level...The program supports me in my current work because it helps me think about this larger global aspect of the very local work.. .to draw those kinds of connections, what we are working for and what other people are working for.

Chris Schwartz,
Alumni from Canada
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