Global Labour University

Applicaiton window for 2025/26 is open

We are excited to announce that the application period for the Master´s Programme in Labour Policies and Globalisation is open!

The one-year program, taught in English at the University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR), is looking to receive applications from candidates with experience in labour and social movements, eager to expand their knowledge of global labour mobilisations and organisations.

The LPG programme in Germany is a one-year joint degree programme, which constitutes a part of a wider project of the GLU to promote cooperation between trade unions and the research community and to strengthen the analytical and policy development capacity of trade unions.

The curriculum was jointly developed by universities and trade unions from around the world with a focus on Global Challenges to Labour, International Labour Rights, Processes of Globalisation and Economic Responses to Globalisation.

Who is the programme aimed at? People with experience in trade unions, workers’ organisations and social movements who want to expand their knowledge of global politics, trade union action strategies and mobilisation. Applicants should also have a BA degree in social sciences, law or economics.

Application periods are as follows:

  • Bachelor’s degree obtained outside Germany: December 20, 2024 – March 1, 2025
  • Bachelor’s degree obtained in Germany: June – September 2025

Program Begins: October 1, 2025

How to Apply: Visit the MA Programme Website or email for more information.

We have organised an Online Info Session showcasing the MA programme, on February 3, 2025, at 14:00 (CET). In case you missed the event, check out the LPG PowerPoint presentation below. 
We look forward to receiving your applications!

GLU Team in Germany

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