Global Labour University


GLU South Africa is hosting its annual Engage Transfer Conference on Friday, 18 October. At the event, four African trade union groups will present their Power Resources Mapping research projects.

These research groups were formed earlier this year by GLU alumni and are comprised of representatives from respective workers’ organisations from Zimbabwe, Kenya, Cote d’Ivoire and Uganda. Namely, the Engage Transfer Project is enabling African GLU-Wits alumni to transfer some of their skills and knowledge acquired in the Engage South Africa short course to their local workers’ organisations and trade unions. To that end, several transfer workshops have been organised from May to July 2024.

The programme of the Conference will begin at 10:00 (UTC+2) and you are cordially invited to attend online. You can join the Zoom meeting via this link. All are welcome to attend online and engage in the presentations and GLU alumni.

The project is spearheaded by the University of the Witwatersrand and supported by the FES TUCC, local FES country offices, and other trade union organisations.

GLU South Africa and the FES TUCC are also hosting the annual GLU Africa Alumni meeting on Fri, 25 October. This is a hybrid meeting that takes place the day after the Engage South Africa short course graduation. It is designed to introduce our new alumni to the Africa network, their country and continental reps and to assist their integration into the wider GLU alumni space.

You can join the session via this link.

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