Global Labour University


Global Labour University (GLU) is organising an Alumni Workshop for graduates from the GLU programmes between September 21 and 27, 2024, in New Delhi, India. The workshop will provide a comprehensive reflection on the impact of just transition, gender equality, migration, and authoritarian regimes on the world of work and an analysis of trade union strategies responding to these challenges.

Learning from the various experiences in different countries, alumni selected to take part in the workshop will expand their knowledge in this subject matter and strengthen their capacities for trade union work.

In preparation for the workshop, alumni will be asked to develop a case study based on their experiences in their home countries, initiating a broader discussion and knowledge sharing on the topics. The workshop programme will then combine the input of distinguished experts, practitioners, and field trips with the experiences of the alumni themselves.

If you have any inquiries regarding the event, feel free to contact the following email address:

The Alumni network is in particular focus of the GLU in 2024, which marks the 20th anniversary of the organisation. This year sees other alumni-focused activities, such as the hiring of the new alumni coordinator, the Alumni Stories series, other in-person events, etc.

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