Global Labour University

The annual GLU Conference is taking place from September 25 to 27, 2024, at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi, India.

This occasion is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the GLU network internationally and deepen the discussion on topics central to the network with GLU academics and Alumni, as well as members of national and international trade unions.

As part of the Conference planning, GLU issued a call for papers titled “Globalisation and Transition to an Egalitarian World: Resistance and Alternatives”, and selected proposals that will be presented at the conference.

A major cluster for the conference will focus on platform work and responsible global supply chains, as well as some broader questions related to policy interventions in response to the poly-crises of the current “world disorder. The following thematic clusters will be featured as well: labour regimes and policy, challenges of authoritarianism, global value systems, global care chains, solidarity economy, climate justice, and more.

Prof. Archana Prasad opened the GLU Conference by welcoming international visitors, underlining that this is the second GLU Conference held in India. Prof. Praveen Jha then introduced the work of Prof. Christoph Scherrer, who addressed the challenges in the current world political economy with the roles of China and the USA.

The Conference continued on the second day with three parallel sessions addressing labour regimes and policies, the solidarity economy, and the gig economy. 

On the final day of the conference, we tackled a range of relevant labour topics. 

Participants discussed the gig economy and the platform work, as well as experiences and lessons in reforms of Global Value Chains. Several study cases related to India were presented, including possible ways forward for Indian trade unions. Finally, we heard about 80 years of the Philadelphia Declaration, labour responses to the rise of right-wing authoritarianism, and shaping national law through international labour standards.

For more information on the event, stay tuned via our channels, or send a query to

You can find the Conference programme, as well as the schedule for parallel sessions below the text.  

GLU organizes yearly conferences on topics of common interest in the network. The conferences take place at each GLU campus on a rotating basis and are an opportunity for members of the network to present their research, discuss new ideas and strengthen the network. After a Conference in South Africa in 2024, we are looking forward to meeting again our friends, colleagues, and associates in India. 

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