Claire Ceruti
Labour Organising under Authoritarian Regimes
Edited by Christoph Scherrer
Globalization is a major challenge for working people and their organizations. Globalization is intensifying competition among workers around the world, undermining working conditions in many places. Adequate responses to this challenge require rigorous scientific research.
The book series includes reports on the impact of globalization, particularly on vulnerable workers and smallholder farms, their resistance, and policy options at various levels to address decent work deficits. It is a forum for outstanding dissertations as well as other excellent monographs, research reports and edited volumes from the global multidisciplinary network of nine partner universities on four continents with trade union collaborations, the International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD).
Dr. Janine Walter
Global Framework Agreements: A global approach to enforcing international labour standards in emerging economies?
Prof. Dr. Akua O. Britwum, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schultz
Negotiating Tenure Rights: Gender and Land Commodification in Africa
Dr. David O’Connell
The Prerequisites for Successful Worker Takeovers and Their Implications for Organised Labour
Dr. Verna Dinah Viajar, M.A.
Dimensions of Precarity: Spaces, Constraints, and Tensions in Organizing Migrant Domestic Workers in Malaysia
Claire Ceruti
Labour Organising under Authoritarian Regimes
Dr. Yannick Poullie
National Action Plans in the Global Governance of Business and Human Rights: The Cases of Sweden and Germany
Dr. Lygia Sabbag Fares, Prof. Dr. Pedro Henrique Evangelista Duarte
Decent Work or Decent Income: ‘Corona Crisis’ Experiences
Dr. Nizar Shbikat (2021).
Labor Rights Violation in Global Supply Chains: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach
Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer, Dr. Ismail Doga Karatepe (2021).
The Phantom of Upgrading in Agricultural Supply Chains
A Cross-Country, Cross-Crop Comparison of Smallholders
Dr. Juana Torres Cierpe (2021).
Precarity among Tertiary Educated Civil Servants:
The Case of Chilean Honorarios
Schön, Anna-Mara (2020).
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Assessing the Level of Self-Reliance and Livelihood of Encamped Refugees. Syrian Refugees in Jordan. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Sinaga, Hariati (2020).
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Competitive Pressures and Labour Rights: The Indonesian Oil Palm Plantation and Automobile Sectors. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Ehmke, Ellen (2019).
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Social Security Expansion in the South: From Welfare Regimes to Implementation. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Yilmaz, Gaye; Karatepe, Ismail Doga; Tören, Tolga (Ed.) (2019).
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Integration through Exploitation: Syrians in Turkey. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Otoo, Kwabena Nyarko (2019).
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Informality and Labour Regulations in Ghana. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Scherrer, Christoph; Radon, Katja (Ed.) (2019).
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Occupational Safety and Health Challenges in Southern Agriculture. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Zenglein, M. J. (2018).
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Institutional Framework and Dysfunctionality of the Transitional Chinese Wage Bargaining Regime. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Yarmolyuk-Kröck, K. (2018).
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The Implementation of International and European Occupational Safety and Health Standards into the National Legislation of Ukraine. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Jungehülsing, Jenny (2018).
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Transnational migration and international labor solidarity. On migrant union members’ impact on unions’ cross-border work. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Scherrer, Christoph; Verma, Santosh (Ed.). (2018).
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Decent Work Deficits in Southern Agriculture: Measurements, Drivers and Strategies. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Kip, M. E. (2017).
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The Ends of Union Solidarity: Undocumented Labour and German Trade Unions. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Scherrer, C. (2017).
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Enforcement Instruments for Social Human Rights along Suppy Chains. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Oksana Balashova, Ismail Doga Karatepe, Aishah Namukasa (Eds.) (2017).
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Where have all the classes gone? A critical perspective on struggles and collective action. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Hachmann, Luciana (2014).
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Pursuing a Developmental State Trade Agenda in a Neo-Liberal Context. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Rajeev,M., Pramanik, S. (2014).
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Reforming Cooperative Credit Structure in India for Financial Inclusion. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Scherrer, C. (2014).
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The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Implications for Labor. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Britwum, A., Ledwith, S. (2014).
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Visibility and Voice for Union Women: Country case studies from Global Labour University researchers. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Schmelzer-Roldán, Sarah Elisabeth (2014).
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The Impact of Electricity Sector Privatisation on Employees in Argentina and Brazil. A Comparative Institutional Analysis. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Christoph Scherrer, Debdulal Saha (Eds.) (2013).
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The Food Crisis – Implications for Labor. Rainer Hamp Verlag.
Donna McGuire (2013).
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Re-Framing Trade – Union Mobilisation against the General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS); Rainer Hamp Verlag. For a brief review, see: New Unionism Blog, Portal für Politikwissenschaft