In this section, you can find all online materials from the GLU and its partners. Some of them are promotional, while others give you an opportunity to learn more about ways of engaging with our services. They can be useful for both current and prospective students, as well as various stakeholders.
Download the brochure to find out more about the GLU network, our mission, activities, etc.
This flyer provides you with all important information on the online course International Labour Standards
Learn more about our Master's Programme on Labour and Globalisation.
Find out more about the education model of the GLU Online Academy.
Take a look at a brief overview of the GLU network with graphics and other visuals.
Download this booklet to learn more how the GLU strengthens its South-South cooperation for decent work and social justice.
Find out more about all GLU offers, including Master´s, certificate, and online courses.
This flyer gives an overview about the GLU Online Academy and three new online courses.
A few reminders of the rules of etiquette for online discussions.
Find out how GLU goes about cooperation with its partners.
Learn more about the design solutions and brand identity of GLU.
Practical information for new GLU students
This glossary aims to help students and other people interested in labour and globalisation issues to cope with the most frequent vocabulary used in these fields
Here are some frequently asked questions about the LPG in Germany.
Essential tips and tricks about life in Germany for GLU students
GLU and Wits University have prepared a welcome booklet for the Postgraduate Programm in Johannesburg.
Learn more about the MA programme in Germany
Our free online courses are hosted on the iversity platform and we publish only selected video lectures and events on our website. Click below to find them.