Global Labour University

Let us celebrate the grand anniversary toether!

The main event commemorating GLU´s 20th anniversary will be held on April 30th, at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) premises in Berlin. 

The celebration will bring together the certified trainers, the current batch students of the GLU-Germany (LPG 20), GLU alumni residing in Germany, professors and representatives of German trade unions, members of the global union federations (GUFs) and other partners and supporters. 

Together, we will recount the milestones of the past two decades and offer a glimpse into the future of the network and labour movement at large. The discussion will include many voices from across the international network, revolving around the topics to which the GLU has significantly contributed, especially by reinforcing the voices from the Global South. We will also highlight Alumni networking and the work of Online Academy, as well as honour recently passed Prof. Edward Webster. 

Germany is where the GLU started in 2004, and where 20 generations of LPG students have earned their degrees. Over time, the network expanded to other continents and established partnerships with campuses in the US, India, South Africa, and the Phillippines.

Plenary sessions will be live-streamed for those who want to join online. 

The programme will run from 9:00 to 21:45 (GMT+2). You can access the full information here.

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