Global Labour University

Join us for an online info session

We invite all interested parties to join a public online info session about the LPG programme. The event will take place on the 3rd of February 3, at 14:00 (CEST). We will discuss about the curriculum, application requirements and the Alumni network, and give you a chance to pose your own questions about the programme.  

The MA programme is tailored to those who are active in the labour and social movements, and those looking to expand their knowledge of global labour actors and their organising. Enrolees have a unique chance to learn about sustainable development, social justice, international labour standards, trade unions, economic policies and global institutions.

This unique global programme is jointly developed by universities and workers organisations from around the world and is a one-year joint degree programme of the University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR). What is more, it gives students an opportunity for an integrated, 6-week internship during the period of study.

To register, simply scan the QR code in this photo or follow this link.

Learn more about the programme via this page.

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