Global Labour University

GTTT Workshop Organised in Kassel With Guests From Across the Globe

A three-day workshop for the members of the global team of trainers and tutors (GTTT) has taken place in Kassel, Germany, May 24-27.2022. The guests from around the world attended various events and activities to advance their skills and competencies. It was the first time that the team and GLU staff were able to meet in person, after two years of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The panels included Online tutoring of the course with feedback and future plans, GLU-OA´s history & current work, localised workshops and online tutoring, developing a MOOC, current political discussions at the GLU, learning models of the OA, etc. 

If you wish to obtain the recordings of these events, please write to the following email address:

You can also visit the GTTT page to see more photos from the event or read the event write-up.

ICDD Public Talk: Health, safety and security: The everyday struggles of cabin crew workers in Aerolíneas Argentinas

On June 3, 2022, ICDD will host a public talk with Sara Cufré, a Labor Sociology Researcher from the Center of Labor Studies and Research (CEIL) in Argentina.

She will examine the current crisis in aviation due to Covid-19 containment policies has accelerated the processes of flexibilization and precarity that have been going on for decades, since the 1980s. This talk draws upon workers' resistance in Aerolíneas Argentinas, a full-service carrier (FSC) airline with stable, well-paid jobs and a strong union tradition.

It analyzes how cabin crew members organize and resist the processes of intensified exploitation of their labouring bodies during the first period of the company's renationalization between 2008 and 2015. The focus is on worker-led actions that adapt and reinterpret union tradition on health and safety and how they relate to the day-to-day self-medication strategies, pain, and risk reduction. These self-care practices, both the individual and collective, involve specific expertise on safety and security that is crucial for workers to deal with fatigue.

Register for the event here.

An unprecedented attach on trade unions in Belarus: Activisits arrested, including Union Leaders

The State Security Service (KGB) arrested more than a dozen trade union activists, including almost all the Union leaders. This crackdown comes after decades of the independent trade union movement in Belarus taking a strong stand against the dictatorial regime of Alexander Lukashenko. It has also condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and demanded the withdrawal of the Russian troops from the territory of Belarus.

Global Unions, the ILO, Amnesty International, and others have already condemned the arrests and called for a stop to repression against Belarusian Trade Unions. We demand the immediate release of all the activists and stop the prosecution of independent trade unions in Belarus.

If you want to offer your support, do so via this page.

The GLU Programmes in South Africa starting in 2023 are open for applications. 

These are postgraduate Honors and Masters's programs at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa for 2023. They involve full-time coursework and a research study program located in the School of Social Sciences. 

Note that all applications must be accompanied by additional uploaded documents as detailed in the Application Call. Be aware that only ONLINE applications are accepted . The link can be found in this Application Call. 

The closing date for applications is 31 August 2022 .

Contact for applications is . Should you need assistance please visit the Wits website  or contact and

The Global Team of Trainers and Tutors has initiated a political project of popular education

The Online Academy is currently focusing on the development of teams of online tutors and local trainers to support the distance learning process in general and blended learning in particular. The trainers/tutors use the content of the online courses to develop contextualized modules for people-centred learning.

Trained on principles of radical/critical pedagogy and adult popular education, they are a critical resource of the Online Academy for building new spaces for social learning and political engagement on the ground.

On the Whole, the Global Team of Trainers and Tutors has given rise to a political project of popular education on labour and the environment. Members from countries across the globe have organised 60 localised workshops reaching nearly 1,100 people.

You can watch the video presenting the project here

In need of solidarity: courageous opponents of uncompromising authoritarianism exile

The New Global Labour Colum is part of the Special Series "Organising Under Authoritarian Regimes". The author, Frank Hoffer, discusses the situation of authoritarian leaders suppressing human rights internally not them suppressing neighbouring countries.

The article argues that enforcing human rights and democracy in a foreign country by war is a contradiction in itself. However, solidarity with people taking up arms in defending these rights against military aggression is an entirely other matter. 

Read the full article here.

the XV GLU Conference “Building a Post-Pandemic World of Work with Social Justice

The Covid-19 pandemic, digitalization, climate change, right-wing populism, and rising authoritarianism have changed the world of work.

In this 2022 edition of the GLU-Conference hosted by Penn State University, AFL-CIO, ICDD and FES, we analyze these developments and ask how we build anew our workplaces and societies based on social justice.

In GLU’s unique blend of academic work and trade union activism, we offer discussions in 7 tracks on: inclusive social protection; ending gender-based violence and racism at work; worker organizing for a just transition; organizing workers in and across the platform economy; empowering migrant workers; workers' rights under rising authoritarianism; global supply chains and joint collaboration of academics and trade unionists.

More information can be found here and in the event summary here.

GLU Online Webinar: "Moving Beyond Extractive Industries: Resistance and Alternatives

The recording of our webinar "Moving Beyond Extractive Industries: Resistance and Alternatives" is now up and you can watch it here.

Thanks again to everyone who joined and for the great questions. We also thank United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, which helped in organising this event. 

Make sure to follow the webinar series "Nature, Labour and the Struggle for an Eco-Social World" for further developments. 

The GLU Online Academy is running two of its existing online courses in a tutored mode

The GLU Online Academy is starting 2022 by running two of its existing online courses in a tutored mode:
International Labor Standards: How to Use Them? , starting on January 31.
Fair Wage Strategies in a Global Economy, starting on February 28.
This is a chance to join live discussions with lead experts from academia and the world of work, engage in group discussions with our online tutors, access updated reading materials and obtain a Certificate of Accomplishment. 
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