Global Labour University

GLU Alumni Coordinators

The coordinators have traditionally been elected from one Summer School to the next, and with COVID disruption, the system is dependent on ad hoc meetings and similar occasions where alumni are able to meet.  A coordinator can be re-elected once. After the second term, he/she has to be substituted by a new representative.

The two main tasks include (1.) representation of alumni from the region the rep represents (try to have contact with the national steering committee and current students), and (2.) decision on solidarity fund for emergency cases or solidarity projects. The reps are responsible for the application process by regularly sending out a call for applications. Applications can be sent to the coordinators throughout the year.

List of alumni coordinators

Representing Africa:

  • Moreblessing Nyambara (Zimbabwe)

Representing Asia, Australia & Oceania:

  • Lokendra Paneru (Nepal)

Representing Europe (incl. Russia, Turkey & Middle East):

  • Yohanatan Miller (USA/Germany)
  • Basak Kocadost (Turkey)

Representing Latin America:

  • Agnes Franco (Brazil)

Representing North America & Caribbean:

  • Christopher Schwartz (Canada)

Contact us

You can contact the representative body via email:


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