The steering committee is acting as the coordinator of the GLU. It is guiding international cooperation and networking initiatives. One of the institutions represented in the steering group acts as the technical secretariat of the GLU.
The steering committee is elected by the Annual Council on an annual basis. It will be formed by representatives of participating universities and research institutes, representatives from participating national trade unions and representatives from international trade union organizations and labor supporting organizations.
The members of the Steering Committee decide, on a consensus basis, the distribution of work within the Committee. The Committee has a solely facilitating role. Trade unions and universities that offer a program within the GLU framework should be represented on the Steering Committee to ensure technical coordination between the programmes.
If you want to find out more about the organs of the GLU, read the information below or the Statute and letter of Intent for Cooperation.
The council meets once a year in the context of the annual GLU conference. Each member is represented by one representative in the Global Labor University Council.
The Council decides the overall direction of the Global Labor University and:
The council works in the spirit of consensus as the desirable decision-making mechanism. The university representatives and the labor representatives are electing as separate groups their representatives for the steering group. All other decisions require, if a consensus cannot be found, a majority of all registered delegates and a majority within these two groups.
Members of the steering committee will represent the Global Unions, the ILO and NGOs and Foundations participating in the program and will be elected by all delegates of the council.
In electing the steering committee the need for representation from the North and the South, both genders and national and global trade union organizations have to be reflected. The students will be represented by two delegates at the council meeting.
One representative can also be a student of the previous course. The (alumni) network of friends and supporters of the GLU and the donors are invited as non-voting participants to the council meeting. The Steering Committee sends the invitation for the annual meeting at least two months in advance.