Global Labour University


A limited number of scholarships are awarded to students. These scholarships include travel costs and a monthly grant to cover living expenses.

Applications for a scholarship can be indicated in the application form. A support letter from a trade union organisation is an application requirement.

Please also note that the scholarship is a matching grant. It will only be awarded if a trade union or another institution is co-sponsoring the program with 1,500 EUR.

The potential co-sponsor has to be indicated on the application form and his/her contribution has to be paid before the start of the program at the University of Kassel.

Institutions that support GLU

Applicants from EU member states can apply for a scholarship from the Hans Böckler Foundation.

The GLU is most grateful to the following institutions for providing scholarships to students and funding for the programme:

  • International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
  • Public Services International (PSI)
  • UNI Global Union (UNI)
  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES)
  • Hans Boeckler Foundation
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • Open Society Foundations
  • DGB educational institution
  • The Center for Global Workers’ Rights (CGWR)

Elmar Altvater Scholarship

In memorial of Elmar Altvater and thanks to the generous donations of many of his former colleagues and friends, the GLU provides scholarships in his name for students in Germany and Brazil. The donations for this fund come from private donors

Support the GLU

You can donate using the following bank details:

Global Labour University - Freunde und Förderer e.V.
IBAN: DE84520503530001137888
Bank Name: Kasseler Sparkasse
Acc.No.: 1137888
Bank Code: 52050353

In case of further questions please contact:

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